
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Saturday: Strictly on Appointment only          Sunday: Closed



1. Why should I consider doing this recording?

To bring closure and healing while grieving the loss of a loved one, which unfortunately everyone one of us will experience at some point in our life.

2. Why can’t I just record and store my own eulogy?

You can, but what are the chances of misplacing or losing your video, so I would suggest you rather go with a much more secure option and have peace of mind that your recording is safe with MOE and that it can be given to the right person at the right time.

3. Why is there a once-off fee and a monthly fee?

The once-off fee includes editing your video by removing errors or minor sounds etc. also inserting your choice of sound and picture of your choice. The monthly fee is for our back up storage and safe-keeping of your eulogy.

4. Will I be able to add onto my recording as life and circumstances change?

Yes, most definitely, Our staff will be in contact with you on your yearly anniversary date, however, at any given time you are free to contact us for any new changes.

5. What age group can record their own Eulogy?

We say 18 and over, however, if a younger person is prepared and their parent consents then their eulogy can be done.

6. What phone can I use to record?

Any phone can be used but do note this also determines the quality of your video, so make sure that your video quality on your device is good.

7. Do we offer private video recording?

Yes we do offer private recording at an additional cost